Wednesday 16 February 2011 | By: Izz's Aviation Journey

2nd Fly! ✈

 So, I’ve got nothing to do again… The “Good Luck” story really inspires me well… It’s so sad and touching… I makes me realized that I must achieve my ambition from the start although maybe my family will not have enough money to send me at the APFT. It’s possible for a woman that is always late lazy and not having a good stamina can success in Aviation. Only you can change yourself. It reminds me of an ordinary girl that lives in darkness...
             The girl doesn’t really have a friend… She only have around 2-3 friends. But what that really makes me shocked is one day I decided to bring her to the Airport. My father had to go to somewhere else. When we reached there, the first thing she looked is the plane that is flying at the sky… That’s the first time I saw her face in amazement. She forced me to walk quickly to the terminal…. And she asked me if she could go upstairs to see the flight… I said okay and she run away to the upstairs of the airport. At the first floor, you can see a great view at the plane runaway. I rushed upstairs and see her... The first thing that she did was checking the flight schedule. She looked at her watch and quickly rushed to the window.
            She held her hand tightly and her face looks downwards… I just can watch her. After about a minute, the plane landed at the airport. I began to see her burst into tears… That’s the most horrible thing that I have seen to my friend… She cried silently after the plane landed. She wiped her tears and she turned back. She was shocked to see me standing behind her. I walked towards her and asked her to sit on a couch that was facing the window.
            I asked her, “do you really love the airplanes?’” and she replied. “I really want to fly them” Tears began rolling down her cheeks again. I just could remember her face that time. She said, “I just don’t know how. I don’t really have a good physical and mental. I can’t fly planes.” I hugged her tightly and say “Only stupid people that think that way. There are no such things that you say. The person that can fly a plane is a person that believed that planes can fly… And never give up hope to change to a better way…” She was very shocked to hear what I say. I wiped her tears and said “ Don’t give up hope, because the sky is waiting for you… and me…” I can feel the same way as she did because I want to be a pilot too.
            I said “ If you don’t have a dream, and do not have a passion to fly you will never became one of them.” She hugged me and tears are swimming in my eyes… She said “we will become one of the crews”. I asked her if she can stay at my house for a night and she agreed with that. When we reached home, I showed my room to her. She was very shocked to see my room that is full of planes photo. “That’s who I am”. I said.  I wanted to see the sky very much. I looked at the time. I quickly ran towards the window and show the sky to her. We saw a plane across the sky. I said, “Fly. Because I know we can do it.” We cried together while seeing the planes across the sky.
            That is my true story of what has happen to me. I realized that fly is everything to me. To all of the readers , who really wants to fly, I hope you will be the best pilot in the world.


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