Thursday 24 February 2011 | By: Izz's Aviation Journey

7th Fly! ✈

Hello! Today I’m going to tell you about the Pilot’s Interview Questions.

So, in this interview, you will be questioned by the interviewer and will be asked many questions about aviation. The interview consist many stages for you to complete before you get to the Flying School. Mostly if you get the MAS scholarship, you will be placed to the Asia Pacific Flight Training (APFT) or Malaysia Flying Academy (MFA) if you get to complete all of the stages.

The interview is all about how you can work under pressure so it takes a lot of patient to complete the interview.  For the interview, wear a tie. This is because everyone there wears a tie, belt, and black shoes. They will ask you why you don’t wear a tie if you’re unlucky. Don’t let them find a reason to not take u in the airlines.

When you enter the room, there will be 3 or 4 people sitting behind a long table. Before you enter the room, knock and greet them appropriately. Don’t sit until they ask u to or else they will say “Who asked you to sit?” or “Who gave u permission to sit?” So, ask permission before sitting.

This is to startle you to make your confidence drop. Then they will shoot you with questions and pressure you. So, keep calm and answer everything confidently. If you don’t know, just say you don’t know. They don’t want you to try to give the wrong answer. Or just answer confidently. LOL!

So I’m going to give some example of the interview questions. These are questions collected from most of the cadets. If you are really interested in aviation you must know a little bit of aerodynamics.

1st Question:
Bernoulli’s Principle

Bernoulli’s Principle states that as the speed of a moving fluid increases, the pressure within the fluid decreases.
Like what u learnt in physics. So the wing is an aerofoil. Air moves faster above than below (because it has to travel further). So, as the principle suggest, a low pressure area is created above the wing. This pulls the plane up creating a lift. If the lift is greater than the drag, the plane will lift off the ground.

2nd Question:
Another component affecting the plane is the drag. Which is countered by the trust of the plane? You guys should know this already. Next they might as you about…

The Fleet status

B747-400 (Passenger) - 17
B747-200 (Freighter) - 6
B777-200 - 17
A330-200 - 5
A330-300 - 11
B737-400 - 39
F50 - 10
DHC6 Twin Otter - 5

Total number of aircraft =110
These are taken directly from the Malaysia Airlines site
3rd Question:
Then you have to know these names…

Board of Directors

Idris Jala
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Appointed on December 1, 2005

Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Munir Bin Abdul Majid
Appointed on August 1, 2004

Dato’ Captain Mohd Nawawi Awang
Senior General Manager Flight Operations

Capt. Mohd Azharuddin Osman
General Manager Flight Operations (Ops & Dev.)

Capt. Kamarudin Kamilin
Chief Pilot (Training & Standards)

4th Question:


Finally, learn the MAS history. Some people got asked a little bit on this.

Oh, I just remembered. If they ask you “If you don’t get pass this interview, will u join _____ (enter nemesis airlines name here) _____?”
The answer for this is “Yes”
“I will join any airlines because my dream is to fly and I want to make a carrier from what I like to do the most. I’ve always imagined myself flying and……………..”
5th Question:
Another interesting part of this interview is they will give you a situation. They will put you in some kind of complex situation where you will be given a few choices. None of the choices will seem right to you but you have to find the best way out.

For example, you just joined the airlines and now you have to fly with this very senior captain with 30 years of experience. It’s dark outside with clouds scowling around u. He is descending to where he claims is an airport, but u know there is a mountain up ahead. If he keeps descending at this rate, he, I mean, both of u and 200 passengers will hit the mountain for sure. What will u do?

So what is your answer? Talk politely to the captain? NO! I know what I’m doing! He shouts at u back.
The interviewers will shout at u back. How can u question his experience? He is a senior captain!
You will be…Umm… I will…

7000ft! Another captain making things difficult for you.

I will…

5000ft! He counts mercilessly.

I will grab the controls from him and knock him out! You came out with your best solution.

3000! You hit a mountain.

Now you realized you should have tried to reason with him. You must understand a senior captain doesn’t take advices form younger people because everybody has got some ego in them. So you have to try a different approach. You can’t go, Captain! You are wrong! I’m right! Imagine a 10 year old speaks to you like that and teaching you to do your job. The thing you have been doing forever.

So try, Captain, are you sure there is an airport there?
If he insist to continue, say “Where is this 4000ft mountain supposed to be?
Act modest; make him tell you where it is. This way he will realize and attempt to cover his pride. LOL!
Oh! I was planning to go around the mountain. I wasn’t trying to go straight at it.

Case solved. But you might get another situation.
Sometimes, in other situation you have to be assertive. I don’t know what they will throw at you. Anyway, I think I might have given a bit too much info. So you might just cheat on the interview which will cancel the whole purpose of the interview. But you must be really interested in flying to have found this page. LOL! So it’s not too bad. In the end, it all comes down to you on how you present yourself to them. Good luck for those who are going to do this interview.

Skyline Izz


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